

Joomla JA Template

Today comes out JA Pyrite! A beautiful typeface of professional design was first introduced into Joomla. A neatly arranged layout featured with the modern use of serif font will make a good impression with your web surfers. During the design process of Pyrite, we stick to some good rules "Think Simple, Big is better, Sans are safe" of webtypeface. However, JA Pyrite is a proof that a smart use of Serif (Pyrite uses Georgia) can create a outstanding and unique design.

Moreover, you will see a remarkable addon in the JA Pyrite navigation system as it is now featured with multi-effectsNew when cursor hovers over and out menu tabs. Effects comes with different types, transitions as well as duration which are configurable via admin area. Also, default modules Login and Search of Joomla! are overwritten to render in drop down panel upon click. Last but not least, you will find the integration of JAbulletin and JA Tabs as a great tool for article presentation in a flexible manner.

JA Pyrite, a great web screencast to discover! This template has added another valuable choice for JoomlArt & Joomla lovers.;=92