Cross culture communication in social media interaction

Cross culture communication in social media interaction

Social media have become increasingly popular component of our daily lives in this globalizing society. They provide a context where people around the world can communicate, exchange messages, share their knowledge, share their experience, interact with each other regardless their distance that separates them. Cross cultural communication involves the process of understanding through interaction so that the new cultural environment can be met. While culture around the world value their individual traditions, norms and beliefs that make them unique, social media link people around the world regardless of differences and geographical boundaries. Social media has brought people from different cultures together in the global village. Communication and interaction are key factors that influence how social media impact intercultural adaptation.

People use social media for many reasons. First, the need for connection and interaction with other people. Social media provide this opportunity where people can communicate with others from different cultures via virtual communities on the internet. Next, social media is used for socializing: it is a form of media that allow people to participate in conversations and online dialogue without being face to face with others. Cultural differences influence communication, behavior and values.

An example of social media that promotes the exchange of messages between people across the world is Facebook. There million users in the world use this social media to interact with others. You tube is another social media used to share videos. Twitter is a form of social media that allows people to communicate information through micro blogging. Many people follow friends, celebrities, and musicians on this site in which they feel connected and develop acceptance for the actions and feelings of others. Instagram, Path are other form of social media where allow people to share pictures etc. These examples of social media have shortened the ties of distance into knowing exactly what someone is doing without phisically communication face to face with another person.

Key words: culture, communication, social media, interact, understanding, impact, face-to-face

Description: Social media have become increasingly popular component of our daily lives in this globalizing society. They provide a context where people around the world can communicate, exchange messages, share their knowledge, share their experience, interact with each other regardless their distance that separates them.

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